Have The
Power To Be The Change
Hello and welcome!  I’m Dr. Qaali Hussein, mother of six, trauma surgeon, and a big believer in the power of people to be the change they want to see in the world.
I’ve spent the majority of my journey being told that what I wanted to accomplish was simply out of reach.  Because of factors outside of my control, being a Black Muslim immigrant woman with strong maternal instincts and a passion for medicine and surgery, I was constantly reminded that my destiny was predetermined. That I had no option but to settle for what society would allow me to accomplish. 
I’ve spent the past few years sharing my experiences with students and trainees and have come to realize the need to break the cycle of how we advise women, especially Black and other minoritized groups, when it comes to career and life goals. 
I’ve seen young bright and ambitious women pressured and steered away from highly competitive male-dominated fields simply because of their gender and the supposed incompatibility of family and career.  And I’ve also seen their spark reignite when they see or hear the stories of women who look like them doing the “impossible.”  Sharing the stories of professional Muslim women in high-powered careers on the Professional Muslim Women podcast has been an eye-opening experience. 
This impact has been instrumental in the founding of the Defiance Academy, a professional and leadership development platform for early career women of color.  
At Defiance Academy, we believe that you can break stereotypes, overcome obstacles, and advance in your career without compromising your core values or personal goals.
Ready to achieve, lead and inspire defiantly? Join us!